
For the authorizations there are 5 default levels. This levels differ in the amount of information which is made available to a contact and which functions are allowed.

The available contact data for the authorization levels are defined as follows and can't be individualy adapted by the user:

Information Blocked Public Business Team Personal
Display name X X X X X
E-mail address X X X X X
Title X X X X
Work phone X X X X
Mobile number X X
Private phone X
Other number X
Company X X X X
Office X X X
Business address X X X
Note X* X* X* X X

The authorisation levels restrict exclusively the contact data exchanged via presence information, primarily presence information that is transferred via Federation. The authorisation level does not influence the contact search. Contact data, for example the cell phone number, continues to be visible via a contact search regardless of the authorisation levels.
X* - In these permission levels the note is only transmitted without restriction within the users of UCServer. Contacts connected via Federation receive the note only if at least the permission level Team member has been approved in the Domain permissions.

For the standard authorization levels the following definitions apply:

Authorization Blocked Public Business Team Personal
See presence X X X X
Set presence X X
See private appointments X
See public appointments X X X
First line See outgoing phone numbers X* X X
See incoming phone numbers X* X X
See diversions X* X X
Set diversions X
Retrieve call X X
Second line See outgoing phone numbers X X
See incoming phone numbers X X
See diversions X X
Set diversions X
Retrieve call X

X*: These authorizations only apply within the UCServer service responsible for the user. Federation contacts or contacts from other UCServer services will not see this data.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_7.3