
For the authorizations there are 5 default levels. This levels differ in the amount of information which is made available to a contact and which functions are allowed.

The available contact data for the authorization levels are defined as follows and can't be individualy adapted by the user:

Information Blocked Public Business Team Personal
Display name X X X X X
E-mail address X X X X X
Title X X X X
Work phone X X X
Mobile number X X
Private phone X
Other number X
Company X X X X
Office X X X
Business address X X X
SharePoint/Web-Site X X X
Location of discussion X X
Theme of discussion X X
Availability (period) X X X
Hours of work X X X
Whereabouts X X
Note X X
Last active

For the standard authorization levels the following definitions apply:

Authorization Blocked Public Business Team Personal
See presence X X X X
Set presence X X
See private appointments X
See public appointments X X X
First line See outgoing phone numbers X* X X
See incoming phone numbers X* X X
See diversions X* X X
Set diversions X
Retrieve call X X
Second line See outgoing phone numbers X X
See incoming phone numbers X X
See diversions X X
Set diversions X
Retrieve call X

X*: These authorizations only apply within the UCServer service responsible for the user. Federation contacts or contacts from other UCServer services will not see this data.

Version ProCall_Enterprise_5.1