Set of rules for filtering out SIP lines

You can enter rules that determine whether lines should be filtered out during readout or not. If "no detection of SIP lines" is selected, all read-in lines will be included in the line management. If "Rules for detecting SIP lines" is selected, a set of rules is applied when reading in lines, which determines whether or not a line should be included in the line management. This set of rules consists of individual entries created by the user.

Every entry has one of four possible entry types and a corresponding character string to be searched for. The following entries are possible for a rule:
  • Character string in the name
    When reading in the lines, only those lines are included in the line management whose line name does not include the character string entered in the "Search for:" column.

  • Character string in the call number
    When reading in the lines, only those lines are included in the line management whose call number does not include the character string entered in the "Search for:" column.

  • Regular expression in the name
    The character string in the "Search for:" column must be a regular expression. When reading in the lines, only those lines are included in the line management for which the search was unsuccessful by means of the regular expression in the line name.

  • Regular expression in the call number
    The character string in the "Search for:" column must be a regular expression. When reading in the lines, only those lines are included in the line management for which the search was unsuccessful by means of the regular expression in the call number.

  • Here is a brief overview about the syntax of regular expressions:A brief overview of the permitted expressions:
    Character string Description
    ^ The beginning of the call number or name. The regular expression "^0" or the regular expression "^Max" finds the search character '0' or the search character string "Max" only at the beginning of the call number or name.
    $ The dollar character ($) indicates the end of the call number or of the name. The regular expression "152$" finds the character string "152" only at the end of the call number or the name.
    | The (|) character allows both characters between which it is located. The expression "8|9" allows '8' or '9'.
    . The dot (.) allows any character (or any digit).
    * The asterisk (*) indicates that the character to its left must be present 0 times or more.
    + The Plus sign (+) is similar to the asterisk, only the character to the left must be present at least once.
    ? The question mark (?) indicates that the character to the left must be present 0 or 1 times.
    [] The corner brackets ([ and ]) indicates the amount of characters that are permitted at this point.

    You can directly check your set of rules in the "Rules for detecting SIP lines" dialog box. Enter a character string in the Search Text field that you want to test with the set of rules. In the "Detected as SIP line:" field, you can see whether a rule for filtering was successfully applied to the search text.

    See also Advanced Settings.

Version ECSTA_6