
estos ECSTA for Broadsoft delivers a Telephony Service Provider (TSP) for Microsoft® Tapi 2.1 (also 2.2 and 3.0). This Tapi driver establishes a central communication between a PC and the telephone system. estos ECSTA for Broadsoft uses the Broadsoft OCI-C and OCI-P protocol.

The driver can be used in a Workstation Mode to control one telephone set or in a Server Mode to control multiple telephones.

For the installation and management of the driver see Driver Management.

3rd Party CTI

Use on a workstation
After installation in Workstation Mode the configures telephone set can be used as Tapi line device. You may not start using a CTI Software.

Using in the network
After installing the driver in server mode, you may use all configured line devices on the server as TAPI-lines. If you are using a server based CTI Software, you may install it now. To have the TAPI-devices available on all workstations, the TAPI-driver must be distributed in the network. There are the following options:

  1. estos UCServer
    The estos UCServer is a CTI/UCC server software which distributes the telephony informations across the network using a graphical client or a multiline TAPI driver. Workgroups, domains, Active Directory® and Terminal Server are supported.
  2. estos CallControlGateway
    The estos CallControlGateway for Lync/OCS is a gateway that connects the TAPI-lines with the Lync/OCS server. This enables the Lync/OCS client to use traditional telephone devices via Remote Call Control (RCC).
  3. Windows® Telephony Server
    The Windows® Telephony Server is a component of Windows® server operating systems since Windows® NT. You will need a domain. The service is limited to domain users.

Version ECSTA_4