LDAP Servers and Fields

This information is only available in English.

The document describes the known LDAP fields exported by the LDAP server of the estos MetaDirectory and gives basic information about the features of the server. It gives a short introduction to the different attributes of a LDAP contact, the mandatory LDAP fields, the structure of the LDAP server search request and ways to adapt your own replicator to the estos MetaDirectory.

Known estos MetaDirectory LDAP fields
Attribute mapping for phonebooks
Search requests to estos MetaDirectory LDAP server:
Controls and Extensions of the estos MetaDirectory LDAP server
How to adapt your own replicator to the estos MetaDirectory

Known estos MetaDirectory LDAP fields:

LDAP Attribute Readable fieldname
Type: Mandatory
LDAP structure attributes
createTimestamp Creation time of the LDAP element Generalized Time syntax M
modifyTimestamp Modification time of the LDAP element Generalized Time syntax M
creatorsName The name of the creator of this LDAP element Distinguished Name syntax O
modifiersName The name of the modifier of this LDAP element Distinguished Name syntax O
subschemaSubentry Path to the LDAP schema description Distinguished Name syntax M
attributeTypes Description of the used attributes Directory String syntax O
objectClass Entry type OID syntax O
objectClasses Description of an objectClass attribute Directory String syntax M
name Name of the current entry. Same value as cn, ou or dc depending on the element Directory String syntax M
cn Common name. Name of the current cn Directory String syntax O
ou Organisational unit. Name of the curent ou Directory String syntax O
dc Directory context. Name of the current dc Directory String syntax O
namingContexts Entry points to the LDAP tree Distinguished Name syntax O
defaultNamingContext Default LDAP entry node dc=meta Directory String syntax O
metaVersion MetaDirectory Version e.g. Directory String syntax O
databaseDescription Additional description used by CTI software products for opening contacts in the source database. The field containts additional information for a database in its ou. Directory String syntax O
distinguishedName Full qualified path to the current element within the LDAP server Distinguished Name syntax M
supportedLDAPVersion Supported LDAP versions of the server Integer syntax O
supportedExtension Supported extensions of this server OID syntax O
supportedControl Supported controls of this server OID syntax O
LDAP contact attributes
databaseName Name of the database Directory String syntax M
databaseType Type of the source database Integer syntax M
entryIDDB Identifier for the type of soure database Directory String syntax M
entryIDStore Specific information about the data source Directory String syntax M
entryID Unique identifier for the record from the data source Directory String syntax M
cn Common name Directory String syntax M
displayName Display name Directory String syntax O
givenName First name Directory String syntax O
sn Last name Directory String syntax O
title Title Directory String syntax O
company Company Directory String syntax O
department Department Directory String syntax O
physicalDeliveryOfficeName Office room number Directory String syntax O
streetAddress Business address street Directory String syntax O
postalCode Business address postal code Directory String syntax O
l Business address city Directory String syntax O
st Business address state Directory String syntax O
c Business address country Directory String syntax O
privateAddressStreet Private address street Directory String syntax O
privateAddressPostalCode Private address postal code Directory String syntax O
privateAddressCity Private address city Directory String syntax O
privateAddressState Private address state Directory String syntax O
privateAddressCountry Private address country Directory String syntax O
otherAddressStreet Other address street Directory String syntax O
otherAddressPostalCode Other address postal code Directory String syntax O
otherAddressCity Other address city Directory String syntax O
otherAddressState Other address state Directory String syntax O
otherAddressCountry Other address country Directory String syntax O
mail E-Mail Directory String syntax O
mail2 E-Mail 2 Directory String syntax O
mail3 E-Mail 3 Directory String syntax O
sipAddress SIP adress Directory String syntax O
url Web page URL Directory String syntax O
telephoneNumber Phone business Directory String syntax O
otherTelephone Phone business 2 Directory String syntax O
telephoneNumberCompanyMain Company main telephone Directory String syntax O
telephoneAssistant Assistant telephone Directory String syntax O
homephone Phone home Directory String syntax O
otherHomePhone Phone home 2 Directory String syntax O
telephonePrimary Primary telephone Directory String syntax O
mobile Phone mobile Directory String syntax O
telephoneCar Car telephone Directory String syntax O
telephoneRadio Radio telephone Directory String syntax O
pager Phone pager Directory String syntax O
telephoneCallback Callback telephone Directory String syntax O
telephoneISDN ISDN telephone Directory String syntax O
telephoneTTYTTD TTYTTD telephone Directory String syntax O
facsimileTelephoneNumber Facsimile business Directory String syntax O
otherFacsimileTelephoneNumber Facsimile home Directory String syntax O
customerid Customer ID Directory String syntax O
directWebLink Direct web link Directory String syntax O
directOpenContact Data to open this contact Directory String syntax O
info Comment Directory String syntax O
custom0 Custom 0 Directory String syntax O
custom1 Custom 1 Directory String syntax O
custom2 Custom 2 Directory String syntax O
custom3 Custom 3 Directory String syntax O
custom4 Custom 4 Directory String syntax O
custom5 Custom 5 Directory String syntax O
custom6 Custom 6 Directory String syntax O
custom7 Custom 7 Directory String syntax O
custom8 Custom 8 Directory String syntax O
custom9 Custom 9 Directory String syntax O
custom10 Custom 10 Directory String syntax O
custom11 Custom 11 Directory String syntax O
custom12 Custom 12 Directory String syntax O
custom13 Custom 13 Directory String syntax O
custom14 Custom 14 Directory String syntax O
custom15 Custom 15 Directory String syntax O
custom16 Custom 16 Directory String syntax O
custom17 Custom 17 Directory String syntax O
custom18 Custom 18 Directory String syntax O
custom19 Custom 19 Directory String syntax O
contactURL URL to edit the contact Directory String syntax O
contactURLDescription Description for the contactURL link Directory String syntax O
contactURL2 2. URL to open the contact Directory String syntax O
contactURLDescription2 Description for the 2. contactURL link Directory String syntax O
contactURL3 3. URL to open the contact Directory String syntax O
contactURLDescription3 Description for the 3. contactURL link Directory String syntax O
jpegPhoto Binary JPEG data for the contact picture JPeg Image syntax O
imagePath URL for the contact picture Directory String syntax O
sourceModifyTimeStamp Any timestamp information about when the data was changed in the data source Directory String syntax O

Attribute mapping for phonebooks:
The following list shows the matching of phonebook database entries to the LDAP database entries. The address information is copied to the business address fields no matter if the source entry is a business or private contact.

Phonebook entry Readable LDAP fieldname LDAP field
cn Primary key Entry id of the phonebook database or artificial created entry id
displayName Display name This field value is created while parsing the search results. You can not search for this field value!
givenName First name First name if available
sn Last name Last name if available
company Company Company if available
streetAdress Business address street Street address and house number if available
postalCode Business address postal code Postal code if available
l Business address city City if available
telephoneNumber Phone business Business phone number if available
otherTelephone Phone business 2 2. Business phone number if available
homePhone Phone home Home phone number if available
otherhomePhone Phone home 2 2. Home phone number if available
facsimileTelephoneNumber Facsimile business Facsimile business number if available
otherfacsimileTelephoneNumber Facsimile home Facsimile home number if available
mobile Phone home Mobile phone number if available

Search requests to estos MetaDirectory LDAP server:
The server can handle complex search requests to the backend LDAP databases. When searching databases created by replicators you can search for any content within any field of the database. Searching phonebooks ist subjected to restrictions because of the limitation of search params to the phonebook API´s. You cannot search for display names within phonebooks as the field displayname is created while parsing the search results. Many LDAP database fields have no matching phonebook database entry.

LDAP search request in general:
The search request parser can handle complex search request. The LDAP backend knows the following compare algorithms, remember that phonebooks handle the search request different and may not be able to find results to certain search requests.

Compare element supported / unsupported
and supported
or supported
not supported
equality supported
greaterOrEqual supported
lessOrEqual supported
present supported
substring filter supported
approx matching unsupported
extensible matching unsupported

Example search requests:

Search term Result
Contacts with the telephonenumber "+49815136856177" in any of the fields homephone, mobile or pager.
Contacts with "Name" at any Position in the LDAP Fields sn, displayName or company AND the telephonenumber "+49815136856177" in any of the fields homephone, mobile or pager.
This search request lets the estos MetaDirectory search for a contact in the fields setup with the Searchassistant. Even the wildcards are added to the search request according to the settings from the Searchassistant. At the moment the searchresult does NOT contain an element searchContact!
This search request lets the estos MetaDirectory search for a number in the fields setup with the Searchassistant. Even the wildcards are added to the search request according to the settings from the Searchassistant. At the moment the searchresult does NOT contain an element searchNumber!
This search request lets the estos MetaDirectory search for a contact in the fields setup with the Searchassistant. Wildcards are not added automatically to the search request for searchIndividual.

Controls and Extensions of the estos MetaDirectory LDAP server:
The following controls and extensions are supported by the LDAP server:

Type Name OID
Control PagedResult 1.2.840.113556.1.4.319
Control Virtual list view request 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9
Control Virtual list view response 2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10
Control Server side sort request 1.2.840.113556.1.4.473
Control Server side sort response 1.2.840.113556.1.4.474
Control Do not search in phonebooks request
Control Search only in phonebooks request
Control Notify client IP address
Control Define phonenumber output format
  • 0plain supercanonical
  • 1plain supercanonical, internal numbers shortened
  • 2readable
  • 3readable, internal numbers shortened
  • 4dialable
  • 5DIN5008:2005
  • 6DIN5008:2005, internal numbers shortened
  • 7plain supercanonical extension separated by -
  • 8plain supercanonical extension separated by -, internal numbers shortened
Control Search for items which are marked as 'deleted'

entryIDDB values of the estos MetaDirectory LDAP server:
The following list shows the list of known database types:

entryIDDB Name or type
DB03 Microsoft Outlook® / Exchange
DB05 HCL Notes
DB08 Active Directory®
DB14 Microsoft® CRM 1.2
DB16 Phonebooks

EntryIDStore Phonebook name
00000001 11880.com
00000002 DasTelefonbuch Deutschland
00000003 Twixtel

DB17 Steps Business Solutions

databaseType values of the estos MetaDirectory LDAP server:
The following list shows the list of known database types:

databaseType Name or type
0 text
1 Act 2000
2 Microsoft Outlook®
3 Microsoft® Exchange
4 HCL Notes
7 Active Directory®
8 Novell Directory
9 MetaDirectory
14 DATEV Basis
15 Microsoft® CRM 1.2 contacts
16 Microsoft® CRM 1.2 accounts
18 Steps Business Solutions
19 DasTelefonbuch Deutschland
20 TwixTel
21 11880.com
22 XML data
23 Active directory outbound
24 XML outbound
25 csv outbound
1000 Custom user replicator

How to adapt your own replicator to the estos MetaDirectory:
To gain enough performance for replicating large contact archives the estos MetaDirectory does not support standard ways to write data into the archives. Custom LDAP extensions allow you to push contacts on block to the LDAP server. A software development kit describing how to use the custom extensions and how to write data to the LDAP archives is not yet written.
Contact us to get detailed information about using the LDAP extensions.

Version MetaDirectory_5.0