LDAP Servers and Fields

This information is only available in English.

The document describes the known LDAP fields exported by the LDAP server of the estos MetaDirectory and gives basic information about the features of the server. It gives a short introduction to the different attributes of a LDAP contact, the mandatory LDAP fields, the structure of the LDAP server search request and ways to adapt your own replicator to the estos MetaDirectory.

Known estos MetaDirectory LDAP fields
Attribute mapping for phonebooks
Search requests to estos MetaDirectory LDAP server:
Controls and Extensions of the estos MetaDirectory LDAP server
How to adapt your own replicator to the estos MetaDirectory

Known estos MetaDirectory LDAP fields:

LDAP AttributeReadable fieldname
LDAP structure attributes
createTimestampCreation time of the LDAP elementGeneralized Time syntaxM
modifyTimestampModification time of the LDAP elementGeneralized Time syntaxM
creatorsNameThe name of the creator of this LDAP elementDistinguished Name syntaxO
modifiersNameThe name of the modifier of this LDAP elementDistinguished Name syntaxO
subschemaSubentryPath to the LDAP schema descriptionDistinguished Name syntaxM
attributeTypesDescription of the used attributesDirectory String syntaxO
objectClassEntry typeOID syntaxO
objectClassesDescription of an objectClass attributeDirectory String syntaxM
nameName of the current entry. Same value as cn, ou or dc depending on the elementDirectory String syntaxM
cnCommon name. Name of the current cnDirectory String syntaxO
ouOrganisational unit. Name of the curent ouDirectory String syntaxO
dcDirectory context. Name of the current dcDirectory String syntaxO
namingContextsEntry points to the LDAP treeDistinguished Name syntaxO
defaultNamingContextDefault LDAP entry node dc=metaDirectory String syntaxO
metaVersionMetaDirectory Version e.g. String syntaxO
databaseDescriptionAdditional description used by CTI software products for opening contacts in the source database. The field containts additional information for a database in its ou.Directory String syntaxO
distinguishedNameFull qualified path to the current element within the LDAP serverDistinguished Name syntaxM
supportedLDAPVersionSupportet LDAP versions of the serverInteger syntaxO
supportedExtensionSupported extensions of this serverOID syntaxO
supportedControlSupported controls of this serverOID syntaxO
LDAP contact attributes
databaseNameName of the databaseDirectory String syntaxM
databaseTypeType of the source databaseInteger syntaxM
entryIDDBIdentifier for the type of soure databaseDirectory String syntaxM
entryIDStoreSpecific information about the data sourceDirectory String syntaxM
entryIDUnique identifier for the record from the data sourceDirectory String syntaxM
cnCommon nameDirectory String syntaxM
displayNameDisplay nameDirectory String syntaxO
givenNameFirst nameDirectory String syntaxO
snLast nameDirectory String syntaxO
titleTitleDirectory String syntaxO
companyCompanyDirectory String syntaxO
departmentDepartmentDirectory String syntaxO
physicalDeliveryOfficeNameOffice room numberDirectory String syntaxO
streetAddressBusiness address streetDirectory String syntaxO
postalCodeBusiness address postal codeDirectory String syntaxO
lBusiness address cityDirectory String syntaxO
stBusiness address stateDirectory String syntaxO
cBusiness address countryDirectory String syntaxO
privateAddressStreetPrivate address streetDirectory String syntaxO
privateAddressPostalCodePrivate address postal codeDirectory String syntaxO
privateAddressCityPrivate address cityDirectory String syntaxO
privateAddressStatePrivate address stateDirectory String syntaxO
privateAddressCountryPrivate address countryDirectory String syntaxO
otherAddressStreetOther address streetDirectory String syntaxO
otherAddressPostalCodeOther address postal codeDirectory String syntaxO
otherAddressCityOther address cityDirectory String syntaxO
otherAddressStateOther address stateDirectory String syntaxO
otherAddressCountryOther address countryDirectory String syntaxO
mailE-MailDirectory String syntaxO
mail2E-Mail 2Directory String syntaxO
mail3E-Mail 3Directory String syntaxO
sipAddressSIP adressDirectory String syntaxO
urlWeb page URLDirectory String syntaxO
telephoneNumberPhone businessDirectory String syntaxO
otherTelephonePhone business 2Directory String syntaxO
telephoneNumberCompanyMainCompany main telephoneDirectory String syntaxO
telephoneAssistantAssistant telephoneDirectory String syntaxO
homephonePhone homeDirectory String syntaxO
otherHomePhonePhone home 2Directory String syntaxO
telephonePrimaryPrimary telephoneDirectory String syntaxO
mobilePhone mobileDirectory String syntaxO
telephoneCarCar telephoneDirectory String syntaxO
telephoneRadioRadio telephoneDirectory String syntaxO
pagerPhone pagerDirectory String syntaxO
telephoneCallbackCallback telephoneDirectory String syntaxO
telephoneISDNISDN telephoneDirectory String syntaxO
telephoneTTYTTDTTYTTD telephoneDirectory String syntaxO
facsimileTelephoneNumberFacsimile businessDirectory String syntaxO
otherFacsimileTelephoneNumberFacsimile homeDirectory String syntaxO
customeridCustomer IDDirectory String syntaxO
directWebLinkDirect web linkDirectory String syntaxO
directOpenContactData to open this contactDirectory String syntaxO
infoCommentDirectory String syntaxO
custom0Custom 0Directory String syntaxO
custom1Custom 1Directory String syntaxO
custom2Custom 2Directory String syntaxO
custom3Custom 3Directory String syntaxO
custom4Custom 4Directory String syntaxO
custom5Custom 5Directory String syntaxO
custom6Custom 6Directory String syntaxO
custom7Custom 7Directory String syntaxO
custom8Custom 8Directory String syntaxO
custom9Custom 9Directory String syntaxO
custom10Custom 10Directory String syntaxO
custom11Custom 11Directory String syntaxO
custom12Custom 12Directory String syntaxO
custom13Custom 13Directory String syntaxO
custom14Custom 14Directory String syntaxO
custom15Custom 15Directory String syntaxO
custom16Custom 16Directory String syntaxO
custom17Custom 17Directory String syntaxO
custom18Custom 18Directory String syntaxO
custom19Custom 19Directory String syntaxO
contactURLURL to edit the contactDirectory String syntaxO
contactURLDescriptionDescription for the contactURL linkDirectory String syntaxO
contactURL22. URL to open the contactDirectory String syntaxO
contactURLDescription2Description for the 2. contactURL linkDirectory String syntaxO
contactURL33. URL to open the contactDirectory String syntaxO
contactURLDescription3Description for the 3. contactURL linkDirectory String syntaxO
jpegPhotoBinary JPEG data for the contact pictureJPeg Image syntaxO
imagePathURL for the contact pictureDirectory String syntaxO
sourceModifyTimeStampAny timestamp information about when the data was changed in the data sourceDirectory String syntaxO

Attribute mapping for phonebooks:
The following list shows the matching of phonebook database entries to the LDAP -database entries. The address information is copied to the business address fields no matter if the source entry is a business or private contact.

Phonebook entryReadable LDAP fieldnameLDAP field
cnPrimary keyEntry id of the phonebook database or artificial created entry id
displayNameDisplay nameThis field value is created while parsing the search results. You can not search for this field value!
givenNameFirst nameFirst name if available
snLast nameLast name if available
companyCompanyCompany if available
streetAdressBusiness adress streetStreet adress and house number if available
postalCodeBusiness adress postal codePostal code if available
lBusiness adress cityCity if available
telephoneNumberPhone businessBusiness phone number if available
otherTelephonePhone business 22. Business phone number if available
homePhonePhone homeHome phone number if available
otherhomePhonePhone home 22. Home phone number if available
facsimileTelephoneNumberFascimile businessFascimile business number if available
otherfacsimileTelephoneNumberFascimile homeFascimile home number if available
mobilePhone homeMobile phone number if available

Search requests to estos MetaDirectory LDAP server:
The server can handle complex search requests to the backend LDAP databases. When searching databases created by replicators you can search for any content within any field of the database. Searching phonebooks ist subjected to restrictions because of the limitation of search params to the phonebook API´s. You cannot search for display names within phonebooks as the field displayname is created while parsing the search results. Many LDAP database fields have no matching phonebook database entry.

LDAP search request in general:
The search request parser can handle complex search request. The LDAP backend knows the following compare algorithms, remember that phonebooks handle the search request different and may not be able to find results to certain search requests.

Compare elementsupported / unsupported
substring filtersupported
approx matchingunsupported
extensible matchingunsupported

Example search requests:

Search termResult
Contacts with the telephonenumber "+49815136856177" in any of the fields homephone, mobile or pager.
Contacts with "Name" at any Position in the LDAP Fields sn, displayName or company AND the telephonenumber "+49815136856177" in any of the fields homephone, mobile or pager.
This search request lets the estos MetaDirectory search for a contact in the fields setup with the Searchassistant. Even the wildcards are added to the search request according to the settings from the Searchassistant. At the moment the searchresult does NOT contain an element searchContact!
This search request lets the estos MetaDirectory search for a number in the fields setup with the Searchassistant. Even the wildcards are added to the search request according to the settings from the Searchassistant. At the moment the searchresult does NOT contain an element searchNumber!
This search request lets the estos MetaDirectory search for a contact in the fields setup with the Searchassistant. Wildcards are not added automatically to the search request for searchIndividual.

Controls and Extensions of the estos MetaDirectory LDAP server:
The following controls and extensions are supported by the LDAP server:

ControlVirtual list view request2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.9
ControlVirtual list view response2.16.840.1.113730.3.4.10
ControlServer side sort request1.2.840.113556.1.4.473
ControlServer side sort response1.2.840.113556.1.4.474
ControlDo not search in phonebooks request1.
ControlSearch only in phonebooks request1.
ControlNotify client IP adress1.
ControlDefine phonenumber output format
  • 0plain supercanonic
  • 1plain supercanonic, internal numbers shortened
  • 2readable
  • 3readable, internal numbers shortened
  • 4dialable
  • 5DIN5008:2005
  • 6DIN5008:2005, internal numbers shortened
  • 7plain supercanonic extension separated by -
  • 8plain supercanonic extension separated by -, internal numbers shortened
ControlSearch for itmes which are marked as 'deleted'

entryIDDB values of the estos MetaDirectory LDAP server:
The following list shows the list of known database types:

entryIDDBName or type
DB03Outlook / Exchange
DB05Lotus Notes
DB08Active Directory
DB12Abacus contacts
DB13Abacus adresses
DB14Microsoft CRM 1.2

EntryIDStorePhonebook name
00000001klickTel Server
00000002DasTelefonbuch Deutschland

DB17Steps Business Solutions
DB19Datev EO compact
DB20Datev EO classic
DB21Datev EO comfort

databaseType values of the estos MetaDirectory LDAP server:
The following list shows the list of known database types:

databaseTypeName or type
1Act 2000
2Microsoft Outlook
3Microsoft Exchange
4Lotus Notes
7Active Directory
8Novell Directory
10Tobit David
11Datev Eigenorganisation Compact
12Datev Eigenorganisation Classic
13Datev Eigenorganisation Comfort
14Datev Eigenorganisation SDD>
15Microsoft CRM 1.2 contacts
16Microsoft CRM 1.2 accounts
18Steps Business Solutions
19DasTelefonbuch Deutschland
21klickTel Server
22XML data
23Active directory outbound
24XML outbound
25csv outbound
26Herold White Pages
27Herold Yellow Pages
1000Custom user replicator

How to adapt your own replicator to the estos MetaDirectory:
To gain enough performance for replicating large contact archives the estos MetaDirectory doesn´t support standard ways to write data into the archives. Custom LDAP extensions allow you to push contacts on block to the ldap server. A software development kit describing how to use the custom extensions and how to write data to the ldap archives is not yet written.
Contact us to get detailed information about using the ldap extensions.

Version MetaDirectory_3.5